Winning the Battle: Weight Loss with Hypothyroidism

weight loss with hypothyroidism

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    Are you struggling to lose weight despite eating healthily and exercising regularly?

    If you have hypothyroidism you may be experiencing other changes when it comes to weight loss.

    So, in this article we’re going to show you how you can lose weight even if you have hypothyroidism, let’s go!

    What is Hypothyroidism?

    Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones. (1)

    These hormones play a crucial role in regulating your metabolism which will affect your ability to lose weight.

    When you have hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows down, making it difficult to shed those extra pounds.

    What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

    You may be experiencing one or more of the following:

    1. Fatigue

    2. Weight gain

    3. Sensitivity to cold

    4. Dry skin

    5. Thinning hair

    6. Depression

    7. Muscle weakness

    8. Slow heart rate

    9. Constipation

    10. Memory problems (2)

    Are you experiencing any of these right now?

    If so it might be time to book a check-up with your doctor.

    What causes hypothyroidism?

    Several things can cause hypothyroidism, here are a few:

    1. Autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis)

    2. Radiation therapy

    3. Thyroid surgery

    4. Certain medications

    5. Iodine deficiency

    6. Congenital hypothyroidism (3)

    How do you get diagnosed, and what are your treatment options?

    A blood test can diagnose hypothyroidism by measuring your levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4).

    Treatment usually involves taking a synthetic thyroid hormone medication to regulate your hormone levels and alleviate symptoms. (4)

    If you are going down the treatment route, it’s always best to consult with your doctor.

    But there are plenty of things you can do to lose weight by making changes to your diet, and also exercise.

    Losing weight through diet

    When you make the right food choices this will have a positive impact your weight loss journey with hypothyroidism.

    Unstoppabl weight loss and toning through diet

    Eat a balanced diet

    By eating a well-balanced diet you will get all the essential nutrients your body needs to perform well.

    To eat a balanced diet, include a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables in each of your meals.

    Increase your amount of fibre

    Your partner may not thank us for this but…

    Fibre-rich foods can help your weight loss efforts by increasing how full you feel and your digestion. (5)

    Here are some high fibre foods we recommend:

    1. Beans and legumes

    2. Whole grains

    3. Fruits and vegetables

    4. Nuts and seeds

    Unstoppabl high protein with green beans

    Eat more fruit and vegetables

    If you’re looking to lose weight, fruit and vegetables are the best thing you can eat. They’re low in calories, fill you up, and are high in nutrients, what more could you want?

    You should aim to fill half of your plate with colourful fruits and vegetables at each meal. We call this tasting the rainbow!

    Eat high-quality proteins

    Lean protein is essential for building and maintaining your muscle tone and strength.

    And by carrying a bit more muscle tone, this will also help to boost your metabolism and burn more calories.

    Here are some lean protein options for you to try:

    Unstoppabl high protein recipe
    1. Lean meats (chicken, turkey)

    2. Fish (salmon, tuna)

    3. Plant-based protein sources (tofu, tempeh)

    Eat healthy fats

    Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can help reduce your inflammation and support your thyroid function. (6)

    Some sources of healthy fats include:

    1. Avocado

    2. Nuts and seeds (walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds)

    3. Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel)

    Eat more whole grains

    Whole grains are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. This will improve your thyroid function and help support your weight loss journey.

    Incorporate whole grains like:

    1. Brown rice

    2. Quinoa

    3. Whole wheat pasta

    4. Oats

    Unstoppabl high protein recipe oats granola

    Eat foods rich in iodine

    Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone production, and getting adequate amounts will support function of your thyroid. (7)

    Foods high in iodine include:

    1. Seaweed

    2. Fish and seafood

    3. Dairy products

    4. Iodized salt

    Unstoppabl recipe yoghurt, berries nuts

    Choose foods high in selenium

    Selenium plays a crucial role in converting inactive thyroid hormone (T4) into its active form (T3). This means you can have a functioning thyroid that can with your weight loss efforts. (8)

    Some selenium-rich foods are:

    1. Brazil nuts

    2. Tuna

    3. Sunflower seeds

    4. Eggs

    Eat anti-inflammatory foods

    Inflammation can worsen hypothyroid symptoms - so consuming anti-inflammatory foods can be beneficial.

    Here are a few anti-inflammatory foods to try and bring into your diet:

    1. Berries

    2. Leafy green vegetables

    3. Turmeric

    4. Ginger

    Unstoppabl recipe smoothie bowl, berries, nuts

    Foods you should avoid if you are hypothyroid

    Certain foods can interfere with your thyroid function and exacerbate hypothyroid symptoms.

    Basically, these are foods you should be avoiding altogether or limiting.

    Goitrogenic foods

    Goitrogens are substances that can interfere with your iodine absorption in the thyroid gland. (9)

    This can worsen your hypothyroidism.

    Here are some examples of goitrogenic foods:

    1. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower)

    2. Soy products

    3. Peaches

    4. Peanuts

    Side note: by cooking these foods you can reduce their goitrogenic effects.

    Foods high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats

    If it’s a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t!

    Processed foods, refined sugars and unhealthy fats can contribute to weight gain and inflammation in your body.

    Here are some foods that you should be having in very limited amounts:

    1. Sugary snacks and beverages

    2. Fried foods

    3. Processed meats

    4. Refined carbohydrates (white bread, pastries)

    Unstoppabl dolly mixtures

    Stay well hydrated

    Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining your health…

    And can also help you lose weight.

    Sometimes you’re not hungry, you’re thirsty.

    You should aim to drink at least 6-8 cups of water a day. If you're doing a lot of exercise, you should drink more!

    Unstoppabl woman drinking from Unstoppabl bottle

    Adjust when and how much you eat

    Eating regular meals and snacks creates routine, keep your metabolism steady and can prevent overeating. As a rule of thumb try to eat every 3-4 hours.

    Do you feel that the size of your plate is hindering your weight loss efforts?

    Practicing portion control by using smaller plates and being mindful of what you eat is a great way lose weight.

    Overeating (especially on the wrong things) can hinder your weight loss progress – even if the food is healthy.

    Lose weight through exercise

    Physical activity can help boost your metabolism and support weight loss with hypothyroidism.

    Here are some ways you can exercise when you’re looking to lose weight.

    Low-impact aerobic exercises

    These exercises can help increase your heart rate without putting too much stress on your joints, which is perfect if you’re heavier than you’d like to be right now.

    You can try things like:

    1. Walking

    2. Swimming

    3. Cycling

    Strength training

    Strength training can help build muscle tone and strength. This can boost your metabolism helping you to burn more calories and lose weight faster.

    Here are a few strength training examples you should try:

    1. Weightlifting

    2. Bodyweight exercises (push-ups, squats)

    3. Resistance band workouts

    Unstoppabl woman resistance bands should press

    Flexibility and balance exercises

    Flexibility and balance exercises can help improve your fitness and help prevent injuries.

    Incorporate activities such as:

    1. Yoga

    2. Pilates

    3. Tai chi

    How can you stay motivated and consistent with your exercise plan?

    There’s nothing worse than starting a plan, getting 2 weeks in and stopping.

    Sound familiar?

    Here’s what you can do to stay motivated and consistent with your exercise plan:

    1. Set realistic goals

    2. Find someone you can workout with

    3. Switch up your workout routine to stop getting bored

    4. Track your progress (stepping on the scales, taking progress photos)

    5. Reward yourself for achieving milestones

    6. Get yourself a coach for support and accountability

    Manage your stress

    Stress can worsen hypothyroid symptoms and make it harder for you to lose weight. (10)

    Stress reduction techniques can be beneficial for both your physical and mental well-being. Here are some for you to try:

    Yoga and meditation

    Practicing yoga and meditation can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your well-being.

    Our clients and ourselves find this is a great way to start and come off your day too…

    So, set aside time each day for mindfulness exercises and deep relaxation.

    We can this #nonnegotiable time for you!

    Breathing exercises

    Deep breathing exercises can help activate your body's relaxation response and reduce your stress levels.

    The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a good way to do this.

    • Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds

    • Hold your breath for 7 seconds

    • Exhale out of your mouth for 8 seconds

    Get enough sleep

    Did you sleep well last night?

    Getting enough sleep is essential for reducing stress and helping you lose weight.

    You should aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

    We’ve put together a blog showing you 25 ways you can get more good quality sleep here.

    Consider trying supplements

    To be clear, supplements are the 1% enhancers of what you are already doing well. Get your exercise plan sorted, and your diet in check before you try these.

    Some supplements can support your thyroid function and help you lose weight.

    But please, go and see your doctor, or speak with your coach before starting any new supplement regimen.

    Supplements you may want to consider include:

    1. Selenium

    2. Iodine

    3. Ashwagandha

    4. Zinc

    Work with a professional coach

    A professional coach can help you create a personalised plan for your weight loss journey, taking your hypothyroidism into account.

    A coach can provide guidance, support, motivation, and a lot of accountability to help you reach your goals…

    And if you want to see how an Unstoppabl coach can help you lose weight, click here.

    Wrapping up

    Now you will have a better understanding of what you can do to lose weight with hypothyroidism.

    It may feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle sometimes, but as you can see, there are plenty of things you can do.

    Before you go, we want to hear from you…

    What’s one small change you are going to make to support your weight loss journey today?

    If you are looking for help on this journey, get in touch here and see how an Unstoppabl coach can help you.

    Unstoppabl online coach
    Ryan Snell

    Co-founder of Unstoppabl, and industry-renowned certified coach with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science leverages over five years of experience to deliver complete well-being solutions, encompassing exercise programming, sleep, menopause, menstrual cycle management, injury rehab, mindset coaching, and nutritional guidance.

    With an impressive record of fostering physical and mental transformations in hundreds of clients during his tenure at Unstoppabl, and a sought-after public speaker on these subjects, his insights have been featured on numerous platforms, attesting to his profound expertise.


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