9 Top Tips To Lose Weight While On HRT

lose weight while taking HRT unstoppabl

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    Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a powerful tool when you’re menopausal.

    But it’s important to understand how taking HRT could affect your weight-loss goals.

    So in this article, we’ll tell you how HRT works…

    And 9 top tips to lose weight while on HRT.

    How does Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) work?

    Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a bit like a symphony orchestra...

    Harmonizing the intricate balance of hormones in your body.

    It’s medication with hormones in to replace those that your body no longer produces in sufficient amounts. 

    When going through menopause you will have a decrease in estrogen levels. This can lead to weight gain, and you may notice that it’s a little harder to lose weight because of this. (1)

    But there’s plenty you can do, so let’s get into how you can lose weight while taking HRT.

    1. Increase your activity

    Making physical activity part of your day-to-day life is more than burning more calories to help you lose weight...

    It's crucial for your physical well-being, and your mental and emotional health. 

    It can be challenging to get more physical activity into your daily routines. But with the right plan and support you can take the right steps towards a healthier lifestyle. 

    So what can you do?

    One way to increase our physical activity is to pick up a simple hobby that you enjoy, such as walking, running, or yoga.

    You can also turn daily chores into exercise opportunities. Think of things like taking the stairs instead of the lift, cycling to work, or parking further away and walking a bit further into the office. 

    You might even do a few squats between TV adverts, or take a break from work!

    You roughly burn 50 more calories an hour standing up while you work. That’s equal to 10 half marathons a year. So yet another way you can increase your activity. 

    Even small changes like this can have a significant impact on your health.

    When losing weight, it's essential to be patient with yourself.

    In our experience working with many female clients, when you focus on what you can do consistently, you see results faster than trying to do everything at once.

    Unstoppabl women in the gym

    2. Eat a diet high in nutrient-rich foods

    When you decide to lose weight and cut back on calories, you may find cut back on essential nutrients.

    Nutrient-rich foods take longer to digest and help you feel fuller for longer. They help to reduce the temptation to snack, or overeat which is a recipe for weight loss success! (2)

    Here are some tips to help you eat a nutrient-rich diet.

    • Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day

    • Choose lean proteins like fish, poultry, tofu, or beans

    • Incorporate healthy fats into your diet such as olive oil and nuts

    • Avoid processed foods that are high in sugar and salt

    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated

    3. Make sleep a priority

    Do you get enough sleep right now?

    Prioritising your rest and recovery allows you to enjoy the bright side of life…

    You feel more energetic, productive, and focused.

    When you're well-rested your thoughts become clearer. This will have a huge impact on your decision-making abilities. (3)

    To get more restful sleep while on HRT, here are some tips to try...

    • Have a caffeine cut-off around noon time

    • Limit alcohol consumption especially before bed. We recommend no later than 2-3 hours before you plan to go to sleep

    • Establish a regular sleep routine and make sure you can stick to it

    • Have a tech cut-off at least 45 minutes before your planned bedtime

    • Invest in some earplugs and blackout curtains for more restful sleep

    • Try relaxation techniques such as guided meditation or aromatherapy

    • Exercise during the day to reduce stress and fatigue at night 

    We’ve also put together a blog showing you 25 ways you can get more sleep here.

    4. Be mindful when you're eating

    The practice of mindful eating can be transformative when losing weight. (4)

    When you tune into the present moment and give your full attention to the food you consume…

    You become more aware of your body, knowing when you’re hungry and when you’re full. 

    You begin to appreciate the colours, textures, and flavours of foods too.

    Mindfulness fosters greater self-awareness. You’re more empowered with the choices you make, you’re more open to change, and you experience more from life. (5)

    How can you practice mindfulness when you’re eating?

    • Eat slowly and savour each bite

    • Don’t multitask while eating, that means putting your phone down. Focus just on your meal

    • Choose foods that are satisfying and nourish your body

    • Listen to how you're feeling, both physically and emotionally, when deciding how much food to eat

    • Make sure you are eating for hunger, not for comfort or distraction. (You might also be thirsty, not hungry, so have a drink!)

    Be mindful when you're eating to lose weight while taking hrt

    5. Track your food and weight

    Losing weight can be challenging at times. It's important to reward yourself for the progress you make along the way.

    Tracking your progress is a great way to recognize how far you've come and keep you motivated for what is to come.

    Setting milestones and writing down your successes along the way will help remind you that losing weight is a journey, not just a destination…

    So enjoy each step!

    Here are a few ways you can track your progress…

    1. Keep a food diary (our clients love MyFitnessPal, and Nutracheck)

    2. Monitor changes in your weight

    3. Track how much physical activity you’re doing (fitness watches are great here)

    4. Measure your body fat percentage

    5. Take progress photos every 2-4 weeks

    6. Log how you’re feeling physically and mentally every day

    7. Check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and other health markers

    6. Stay hydrated 

    Staying hydrated is a crucial aspect of leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

    We’re 75% water, so our bodies depend on it to function! (6)

    Staying hydrated helps with digestion, keeps your skin radiant, and flushes out toxins...

    And helps to keep your energy levels high throughout the day.

    It’s a small investment for a big return.

    You will feel more rejuvenated, you will have more mental clarity, and will feel happier.

    Keep a water bottle close so you’re always staying hydrated! 

    But how much water should you be drinking?

    It depends on person to person. A good way to measure is with the pee test.  

    If it’s dark yellow you need to drink more. If it’s clear you’re pretty hydrated and at that point should switch to drinking little and often.

    Here are some tips on how you can stay hydrated...

    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day

    • Eat foods high in water content such as fruits and vegetables

    • Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea, as caffeine makes you pee more and can dehydrate you

    • Add some electrolytes to your drink

    • Monitor how medications or supplements may affect your hydration levels

    • Increase how much you drink when exercising and when it’s hot outside

    7. Have a plan

    Having a plan is absolutely critical to your weight loss success.

    Think of your plan like a well-mapped-out road trip. You know exactly where you’re going, and you know when you’re going to arrive.

    Here are some tips on how you can plan your weight loss journey while on HRT:

    • Set realistic goals and timelines

    • Break down what you need to do into manageable chunks

    • Prioritise tasks by importance and urgency

    • Have regular check-ins and contact with your coach to monitor progress on meeting your goals

    • Be flexible and adjust your plan where necessary

    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed

    8. Build a positive support network around you

    Having a strong support network around you is essential when looking to lose weight. (7)

    Surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care about you reaching your goals...

    Your well-being, and are willing to lend a helping hand when needed are so important. 

    Do you consider yourself to have a strong support network right now?

    If not, don’t worry.

    Meeting like-minded people is a great way to build new connections with people who share your interests, passions, and values.

    Here are a few ideas:

    • Networking events

    • Running clubs

    • Book clubs

    • Exhibitions

    • Online communities

    • Volunteering

    • Dance classes 

    You want to be around people who are going to support you on your weight loss journey

    positive support network when losing weight while taking HRT

    9. Manage your stress

    Managing stress is an essential aspect of losing weight while on HRT. (8)

    When you're stressed you release more cortisol. Cortisol increases your appetite and can cause you to store more body fat. (9)

    By working on everything in this article you will start to feel a lot less stressed.

    Here are some quick-fire ways to feel less stressed: 

    • Deep breathing exercises

    • Practicing mindfulness

    • Focussing on being fit and healthy

    • Eating nutrient-rich foods, and so on

    Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can form an important part of a health and wellness plan.  

    By following the tips we've shared in this blog, you can lose weight while taking HRT.

    Here's a recap of what you can do to lose weight while on HRT: 

    • Increase your activity

    • Eat a diet high in nutrient-rich foods

    • Make sleep a priority

    • Be mindful when you're eating

    • Track your progress

    • Stay hydrated

    • Have a plan

    • Build a positive support network

    • Manage your stress 

    Which tip from today’s post are you going to try first?  

    Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

    Ryan Snell

    Co-founder of Unstoppabl, and industry-renowned certified coach with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science leverages over five years of experience to deliver complete well-being solutions, encompassing exercise programming, sleep, menopause, menstrual cycle management, injury rehab, mindset coaching, and nutritional guidance.

    With an impressive record of fostering physical and mental transformations in hundreds of clients during his tenure at Unstoppabl, and a sought-after public speaker on these subjects, his insights have been featured on numerous platforms, attesting to his profound expertise.



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