How To Lose Weight While Running Your Business

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    Any entrepreneur knows starting and running a business can be all consuming. Having time to hit the gym 5 times a week, prep and eat good healthy food, and stay stress free all become a distant memory.

    All too often the gym is the first thing to go because you don’t have time. Food becomes whatever you can grab between meetings and before you know it your stress levels are through the roof and you’re surviving on coffee because you’re struggling to sleep at night with so many things going around in your head.

    Then one morning you get out the shower, tired and drained, look in the mirror and don’t recognise the person that’s looking back at you.

    How did this happen?

    Weight gain happens gradually. It sneaks up on you. Just like in business if you take your eye of the ball for a second things can start to slide. The same applies to your weight - you can find yourself slipping into unhealthy habits, that becomes your new norm.

    Your physical health has a direct impact on the health of your business

    What’s being overweight got to do with how I run my business? If you’re not firing on all cylinders, your performance at work will suffer.

    If you make poor food choices and remain out of shape you’ll find:

    • your energy and motivation waning

    • your ability to think clearly will be affected. Brain fog creeps in leading to bad business decisions

    • you have disturbed and poor-quality sleep

    • you’ll be more prone to getting colds and other viruses

    • ultimately, you are increasing your chances of long-term health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes

    Can you or your business afford for you not to be in good shape?

    Let’s look at the problem objectively for a second. If there are two businesses both selling similar products and services.

    The head of one business is sharp, proactive, able to cope with change, pivot when needed and adapt to the changing business environment. He can quickly take advantage of new opportunities.

    The other wakes up in the morning feeling sluggish – needs a bucket of coffee to even get started. They struggle to focus on their daily tasks and miss opportunities that are staring them in the face.

    Which would you prefer to be your reality?

    How to be Unstoppabl losing weight and be successful in your business

    I don’t have time

    The main asset in your business is you. So why aren’t you making the time to look after your main asset?

    I get it, I run multiple businesses - there are deadlines to meet, invoices to chase and meetings to get to.

    As an entrepreneur, looking after yourself slides down your priority list . Even when you want to improve your health and fitness, finding the time whilst running your business isn’t always easy.

    More hours aren’t going to magically appear in the day. It’s time to start thinking about things differently. A mindset shift and a few tools are all you need to get back on track and in the shape you want to be.

    Ok, so how do I fix it?

    Have you ever had a dinner or event coming up? The thought of just collapsing on the sofa with a takeaway all of a sudden becomes much more appealing.

    But once you got to the event and started networking you discover a second wind and were glad you went?

    Exercise and movement work in the same way. You need to input an amount of energy and movement to generate and increase your energy levels.

    I am not saying you need to spend hours in the gym. Small changes you can put into your existing daily routine will improve your energy levels and start to get you to your weight loss goal.

    Start doing these daily and see the weight start to come off - consistency beats intensity

    Take your calls on the move

    Whether you’re walking and talking around the office, or taking your calls while outside for a walk you’ll burn 25% more calories than being sat at your desk. (2)

    The added bonus is that your cognitive function improves with exercise too. So, not only will you be dropping the pounds, you’ll be sharper and more creative too!

    Unstoppabl ways to lose weight - take your calls on the move

    ‘Plan and Prep’ your meals in advance

    You’re not ‘on a diet’, there are no ‘cheat days’, there are no ‘bad foods’. All you’re doing is deciding to make better food choices that will benefit you long term and help you lose weight.

    If you plan your meals in advance, you’ll be less tempted to reach for that bag of crisps (132kcals) or the sausage roll (328kcals) from the snack wagon.

    The problem with highly palatable foods like this, is they only satisfy you short term. Have you ever had a snack and been hungry 30 minutes later?

    Get in to bulk cooking and you’ll always have something that is accessible, plus you’ll save yourself loads of time. (3)

    Prepping 10 meals in a oner takes a lot less time than cooking 10 meals separately. By planning meals that taste great, are less processed, contain a good amount of fruit and vegetables, and have a higher protein content, you’ll be fuller for longer and have loads more energy.

    There’s more information on meal prep in this blog.

    Make a plan that will achieve your health and fitness goals

    Having an idea is great, but to achieve your goals you’ll need a plan. Schedule time in your diary to eat properly and exercise.

    Not only will it make sure you get it done, but taking those short, regular breaks from your desk will also refresh your focus and keep your productivity high all day long. If you need help with that you can book on to a FREE call with an Unstoppabl coach to help

    Focus on taking care of yourself

    Starting and building your business doesn’t happen overnight. If you don’t have the energy and commitment to keep going you won’t be successful.

    The glamour of always ‘hustling’ will start to fade and being ‘too busy’ will no longer be the badge of honour it used to be. Don’t forget to focus on you.


    Sleep is essential to avoid burn out. Your body needs adequate sleep to recovery and to function. Do not think you can survive on 2 hours of sleep, you can’t.

    The quality of work you produce when you’re not properly rested will be low and simple tasks will take you longer. (4)

    Read the Unstoppabl blog on how you can get a better night’s sleep.

    Unstoppabl ways to lose weight - get good quality sleep blog

    Drink water

    Dehydration can cause headaches and reduce your performance at work. (5)

    It’s also easy to mistake being thirsty for hunger. Keep drinking water – those headaches will disappear as will those cravings for sugary snacks.


    Find a form of exercise that you look forward to and enjoy. (6)

    You’re more likely to do it if you enjoy it. If you’re able to get out of your normal environment for the exercise even better. If you’re tied to a desk or home office simply stepping outside for a walk or run will reinvigorate you.

    be unstoppabl  with your exercise - find exercise you enjoy doing blog

    Take some time out

    Give yourself a break. Taking some time out to spend with friends and family or doing an activity you love will refresh you and give you some perspective.

    What is the point of spending every waking minute working on your business, if you never get to enjoy yourself?

    Taking time out to regain focus will make you an Unstoppabl entrepreneur blog

    Get help when you need it

    It makes sense to use specialist help in your business when you need it, whether that’s an accountant or a lawyer.

    Specialist help in your health and fitness is no different. It’s easy knowing what you need to do – eat better, eat less and move more.

    Doing it can be a different matter. Getting help to avoid the pitfalls and have someone keep you accountable through the whole process means you’ll lose weight quicker and keep it off. (7)

    If you encounter any hurdles along the way you’ll have someone there that can help you navigate the weight loss maze.

    We offer a FREE call with one of our Unstoppabl coaches that can help with every element of your health, fitness and nutrition and help you navigate your weight loss journey.

    Why do it alone when you can get quicker, faster results with someone that has been through the process 100s of times, knows the hurdles you are going to face, and has the answers?

    Nick Johnston-Davis

    Co-Founder of Unstoppabl - 25 Years Helping Business Owners Reach Their Potential In Body & Business. Nick has worked with businesses in both the public and private sector delivering change and providing a pathway for businesses to reach their full potential. He also works with individuals 1-1, helping them achieve their goals and become Unstoppabl in every area of their life.

    Connect with Nick on LinkedIn


    22 Ways To Become Unstoppabl