How To Get Your Dream Body [14 Tips]
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Want to know how to get your dream body?
In this blog post, I’m going to share with you 14 quick fixes you can do right now to build your dream body in less than 26 minutes a day.
These 14 tips are what I do daily to have a body I’m proud of.
They’ve had a positive impact on me, my confidence, and my success in business too.
What I’ve come to realise is when you start taking care of yourself, everything else starts to fall into place.
Because the same things it takes to be successful in your fitness, are the same things it takes to be successful in life!
Let’s get into the first quick fix to build your dream body now.
1. No time to cook dinner? Meal prep
You can have the best workout plan in the world, but if your diet is full of crap, you’re going to look and feel like crap!
How do you solve this problem when you’re short on time?
Pick a day when you’ve got 40 minutes spare and get busy meal prep, and prep big too.
Focus on protein and vegetables. Most people neglect these in their diet favouring quick dishes like pasta and pizza which are carb and calorie-heavy. Not a recipe for building your dream body!
Plus, you know exactly what’s gone in them too.
One day of the week meal prep, and prep big too. Keep your protein, and vegetables high when you’re doing this.
If you cook for 20 minutes a night 7 times a week, that’s 140 minutes. If you spent 40 minutes prepping on one day, you’ve saved yourself 100 minutes.
If you do this every week with different dishes, you will have lots of dishes to choose from too.
What you don’t use, you can freeze.
Mine and Nicks go to meal prep looks a bit like this for the week. We can’t fit it all in because we prep big!
Carrots cooked in mixed herbs and oranges
Braised cabbage
Curried squash
Hot fajita seasoned chicken
Slow cooked pulled pork
Slow cooked veggie chilli
Prepping your meals for the whole week: 40 minutes.
2. Stop drinking your calories
Research shows time and time again that soft drink and alcohol consumption cause weight gain. (1) (2)
Swapping to zero-calorie and reduced sugar soft drinks is the best place to start.
This can save you over 100 calories every single day without sacrificing taste. The same is true for alcohol.
Swapping to lighter beers like bud light can save you upwards of 150 calories per pint.
And if G&T is your thing then swap to slimline – you won’t notice the difference.
Swapping to zero-calorie and reduced sugar soft drinks: 10 seconds.
3. Get leverage on yourself
This is one of the most important reasons people do not get their dream body. They do not have enough reasons why they MUST do it right now.
They don’t have enough leverage on themselves.
If you want to know how to get your dream body this is the place to start.
Ask yourself why do you want your dream body?
Is it so you can be a good role model to your kids?
Do you want to look great in a pair of shorts on the beach?
Will having it make you more confident?
Do you want more attention from whoever you desire?
Do you want to be seen as the person that has pushed their boundaries with a body to show for it?
The list is endless there’s no right or wrong here. As online personal trainers we do this is usually the first place we start with clients.
Write down all the reasons you want to lose body fat right now and look at them every single day.
Writing down why you MUST get your dream physique and looking at these reasons every day: 3 minutes.
4. Habit stack
Habits are the foundation of your success. It’s that simple. Change your habits change your life.
Every single one of these tips here are habits you can start doing today.
Work on one habit at a time and master it until it becomes automatic. Then you can add another one to the stack and repeat the process. This is what we call habit stacking.
Working on a new habit: less than 1 minute.
5. Do a swish pattern every day
A swish pattern is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique for changing your behaviours.
This is something you should do daily.
A swish pattern can recondition your mind to stop eating certain foods that are holding you back from getting your dream body. This is so powerful.
Doing a swish pattern daily: less than 5 minutes.
Here’s a video that will help you to know how to do a swish pattern.
6. Sniff dog food
Foods with little to no nutritional value, usually high in fat and sugar, will hold you back from building your dream body.
You need a quick, easy, and effective way to stop yourself from eating these foods. Here it is…
Every time you’re about to go and eat those foods, sniff dog food!
You will start to associate those less healthy foods with the horrible smell of dog food. Sorry to ruin chocolate for you!
Sniffing dog food daily: less than 10 seconds (unless you like the smell… or you’re going to the cupboard often!)
7. Track your calories - eat the same foods
Research shows tracking your calories helps with long-term weight loss goals. (3)
People sometimes think tracking their calories is going to be time-consuming. I appreciate that.
That brings up the question, how can we make our diets less time-consuming?
We can eat the same foods.
Research shows more variety in our diets increases in body fat. (4)
Eating the same foods will make it easier for you to stay on point with your nutrition and look to build washboard abs in no time.
By eating the same foods, you will save so much time. You can swipe right in the app and the meals are automatically added.
I know this to be true because I do it!
Tracking used to be a pain in my ass, but not since I’ve been eating the same foods. I swipe right in MyFitnessPal and I’ve tracked my whole day’s food.
Tracking your calories, swiping right in MyFitnessPal: less than 1 minute per day.
8. Take supplements
Supplements are the 1% enhancers for a healthy diet, lifestyle and solid workout plan.
I won’t explain every single supplement you could take here, because we’ve dedicated a whole blog to this.
Sneak peak: there’s one supplement we talk about that can help you burn an extra 194 – 527 calories a day without doing anything different in your day. Go read it right after you finish this blog!
Taking a few daily supplements: less than 1 minute, open up and swallow!
Don’t take this many!
9. Weigh yourself every day
Research shows daily weighers lose more body fat than those who don’t. (5)
You might not like what the scales are saying back at you right now. But stepping on the scales makes it real, holds you accountable, and gives you a powerful reason to get that dream body.
Seeing the number on the scales go down is not only rewarding, it’s a great incentive too.
This doesn’t just apply to losing weight either.
If to build your dream body you need to build muscle right now, step on the scales daily too.
It’s one way you can track your progress and know that you’re gaining weight and muscle.
Stepping on the scales daily: less than 1 minute
10. Eat more protein
Now that you’re tracking your calories in MyFitnessPal (hint hint), you may have noticed you’re not eating much protein.
Eating more protein helps suppress your hunger and appetite for hours after you’ve eaten it. If you don’t get full after meals, eating more protein will help! (7)
Protein also has a high thermic effect (20-30%) compared to carbs (5-10%) and fat (0-3%).
What that means is when you eat protein more calories are used digesting food.
If you eat 100 calories of protein, only 70 calories are usable. You’re saving calories by eating more protein!
Eating more protein has no extra cost on your day. All you need to do is prep up an extra protein shake the night before and take it into work. Try putting more protein in your meals too.
Prepping up a protein shake and eating more protein with each meal: 2 minutes
11. Write down what you want to achieve
If you have a goal, write it down and look at it every single day.
What we focus on we manifest in our minds, and we will find a way to make it happen. A simple but effective strategy.
Writing down your goals and looking at them every single day: 1 minute
12. Meditate daily
Stress is a killer when it comes to reaching your dream body.
Emotional eating caused by stress can cause people to overeat, and overconsume high-fat high sugar foods. Which as we discussed earlier, will hold you back from getting the body you want. (8)
How can I reduce my stress?
Meditating is one way you can reduce your stress levels.
Meditation improves mental health, reduces stress levels, and helps people lose weight. (9) (10)
I use the Headspace app to meditate. I meditate every single morning and have now for 2 years.
It gives my mind time to relax, which is something everyone can benefit from.
It gives me space to breathe in the day so I can make better more informed decisions.
In the Headspace app, you can choose how long you want to meditate each day depending on the time you have available.
Meditating daily: 5 minutes
13. Have a light meal for breakfast
This is something that helps me stay lean all year round.
Some research shows skipping breakfast can be an effective weight loss strategy. (11)
This is BS.
It neglects your need to fuel your body for the task at hand. Whether that is concentrating at work or training in the gym.
It’s a good idea to have something small. Something that has a good amount of protein in it to set yourself up for the day.
Having something light in calories that’s filling, gives you more flexibility with your diet later too.
I have 500 g of mixed berries with a scoop of protein powder, a bit of milk, and a coffee on the side. This totals around 600 calories, and is very filling.
If you’re heading to the gym in the morning you want to fuel your workouts. You want to get the most out of them rather than feeling tired all the time.
Having a light breakfast: 5 minutes.
14. Get a coach
Top athletes and CEO’s have coaches, you should too.
Tony Robbins talks about squeezing decades into years, and in my experience this is true.
A coach helps you get the results you want faster. You bypass all the headaches, misdirection and years of trial and error trying to walk the path on your own.
You have someone there supporting you that’s been through the process and already has the answers.
Want help learning how you can put in place the quick fixes we’ve shared with you here so you can build your dream body?
Click the link below, book onto a call, and we’ll go through what you need to do to make that happen.
Getting a coach to help you lose weight: this will save you years of your time, and you’ll live longer.
That 14 ways you can get your dream body.
Meal prep: | 40 minutes per week |
Swapping to zero-calorie soft drinks: | 10 seconds per day |
Writing down why you MUST lose weight now and looking at it daily: | 3 minutes per day |
Working on a new habit: | 1 minute per day |
Doing a swish pattern daily: | 5 minutes per day |
Sniffing dog food daily: | 10 seconds per day |
Tracking your calories in MyFitnessPal: | 1 minute per day |
Taking a few daily supplements: | 1 minute per day |
Stepping on the scales daily: | 1 minute per day |
Drinking a protein shake and eating more protein with each meal: | 2 minutes per day |
Writing down your goals and looking at them every single day: | 1 minute per day |
Meditating daily: | 5 minutes per day |
Having a light breakfast: | 5 minutes per day |
Getting a coach the help you lose weight: | this will save you years of your time. |
Implementing all 14 right now would be overwhelming.
My suggestion? Do a few at a time, master them, and then work on the next few. This is what we call Habit Stacking, and is one of these tips!
I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t say this
This is usually where a blog would end. But let me ask you a few questions…
Please do not read this blog, and swear to yourself you’ll do something about this later.
Knowledge is not power, knowledge is potential power.
What you do with this information is what matters.
Taking action is what matters.
The best thing you can do now you’ve read this is take action immediately. As soon as you put your phone or laptop down, do something that moves you one step closer to your dream body.
You’ll get momentum and momentum matters for success.
If you know anyone that would enjoy reading this, please share it with them.
And finally, if you want help transforming your body now. Click the link below, book a kickstart coaching call, and let’s build your dream body now.