Yvonne's inspiring transformation with Unstoppabl

Yvonne's inspiring transformation with Unstoppabl
Yvonne's struggle with fitness and weight gain
Meet Yvonne, a woman who found herself at a crossroads in her life. She was once an active person, always exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, as she reached the menopause, her motivation and interest in fitness waned.
She had always been competitive, always pushing herself to achieve more…
But the changes in her body and the aches and pains that came with it, made it harder for her to maintain her previous level of activity. Yvonne's weight had steadily increased, to the point where she stopped weighing herself.
She’d tried various fitness programmes, even the intense “6 pack thing”, but she couldn't find anything she could stick to and enjoy. Living alone made it even harder to stay on track. She loved walking but an injury was preventing her from enjoying that and the thought of going to the gym was daunting.
She wanted to get back to being toned, regain her strength and balance, and eat better. But she was struggling.
Then Yvonne discovered Unstoppabl…
She was hesitant at first, having been on and off various programmes for the last five years. She had even tried a gym and trained hard for nine months. But nothing seemed to work long-term.
Despite her initial reservations, Yvonne decided to give Unstoppabl a try. And that decision turned out to be the best one she could have made for her health and fitness.
“I was able to talk to Ryan about things that were bothering me that weren’t necessarily about health and fitness but that just made a massive difference to the whole process.”
At Unstoppabl, Yvonne found more than just a fitness programme. She found a supportive team of coaches who were committed to helping her achieve her goals.
They helped her understand her nutritional needs, encouraged her to explore different forms of exercise like cycling and home workouts with the equipment she already had…
All this provided her with the motivation she needed to stay on track. Unstoppabl was more than just a fitness programme for Yvonne. It was a catalyst for change, a source of support, and a tool for empowerment.
Rediscovering the love for exercise
The programme didn't just focus on her physical transformation, but also on her mindset. Within days of starting the programme, Yvonne rediscovered her love for exercise. She began to see the pounds drop off, a result that continued to spur her on. But it wasn't just about weight loss…
Yvonne noticed her shoulder pain had lessened, full shoulder movement had returned, she could walk without ankle pain, and she had a renewed enthusiasm for life.
Unstoppabl also helped her redefine her relationship with food. She realized that she had been overeating, not necessarily the wrong things, but in the wrong quantities.
With the guidance of the Unstoppabl team, she found balance in her diet, learned to enjoy her food, and even managed to steer clear of sweets, a previous weakness.
“My whole mindset around food has changed. I used to be a big coffee and cake fan, but I don’t think I’ve gone near sweets or cake since I started the programme.”
Patience and persistence: Yvonne's new mindset
The programme also helped Yvonne address her mindset. She learned to be patient with her weight loss journey, understanding that it was a gradual process.
Yvonne also found herself more conscious of her health and well-being, making choices that were going to benefit her in the long run.
But perhaps the most significant change was in Yvonne's self-perception. She no longer saw herself as a person struggling with her weight and fitness. Instead, she now saw herself as a person who was in control of her health, who was making positive changes, and who was, in every sense, Unstoppabl.
Today, Yvonne is happier, healthier, and more confident. She's lost 12lbs, and she's loving exercise again. She's found a programme she can stick to, a team of coaches that support her, and a lifestyle that she enjoys.
“Joining Unstoppabl was definitely the best decision I made. And if you’re sitting on the fence about making a change. Get in touch with Ryan or Nick, you definitely won’t regret it.”
Happier, healthier, and more confident
Yvonne's journey with Unstoppabl is testament to taking a holistic approach to your health and fitness. It's not just about the numbers on the scale, but about the overall quality of your life. And as Yvonne's story shows, with the right support and mindset, anyone can #BecomeUnstoppabl.
Yvonne telling her story
Yvonne tells her story of how she’s lost 12 pounds, is happier, healthier, and more confident.