Starting Block Drills For The Track

Starting Block Drills For The Track

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    Mastering the block start in track and field is challenging but rewarding.

    Here are block start drills you can do on the track to perfect your start.

    Drills To Improve Your Block Starts

    Wall Push Drill

    Start by standing against a wall.

    Pick one leg up off the floor and place the foot flush against the wall.

    Once you’re in position start and push off the wall with your back foot into a sprint.

    Your sprint can be whatever distance you make it to be.

    10-20 meters is good.

    3–4 steps is a good start if you don’t have a lot of room.

    This teaches you to push off your back foot, replicating what you will do in the blocks.

    Do 3-4 of these and then go into blocks.

    See how it changes the blocks for you.

    Two-Point Standing Start

    Stand in a staggered stance with your dominant leg forward.

    Maintain a relaxed, curved spine with your eye gaze looking down at your feet with a relaxed neck position.

    The arms are left in a hanging position, and from that positional setup, you can set off gradually increasing your speed.

    Three-Point Start

    Now you have one arm in contact with the track too.

    This is a good progression from the two-point start or a regression for block starts.

    Four-Point Start

    Once the three-point start has been mastered progress to the four-point start.

    This is also a useful block regression exercise.

    Drop-In Start

    This is an alternative method that reduces the emphasis on pure power needed for a stationary start.

    This allows you to focus more on the transition into acceleration rather than the initial burst of power.

    Reducing the starting strength requirements helps in conserve energy for the latter part of the sprint.

    If you struggle with the explosive power necessary from a block start this is for you.

    You can practice acceleration mechanics without a full-power start.

    Block Start

    The best way to get good in the blocks is with block starts.

    Once you have mastered the start positions we just spoke about, move onto the block start.

    The block start is the ultimate test of your explosive power and technique.

    For more detailed guidance, see our blog on perfecting your sprint block start technique.

    Partner Resisted Start Drill

    Partner Resisted Start Drill

    This is an excellent method for helping you understand how to maintain a strong position when accelerating.

    It teaches correct projection angles from the start.

    If you tend to break at the hips when you start, this drill will help.

    It gives you the feeling of keeping the hips up and forward in a strong position.

    Start by having your partner provide resistance as you push off.

    This resistance helps you feel the correct angles and positions needed for a good start.

    Acceleration Wall Drill

    Wall drills are invaluable for teaching proper body positioning when accelerating.

    These drills help you focus on the right positions around the hip, knee, and ankle.

    Go for quality over quantity. Do a few reps with good form over lots with bad.


    Mastering the block start isn’t easy, but these drills will help.

    Be consistent, don’t give up, get into the blocks regularly and success will come.

    Want to see how an Unstoppabl Sprint Coach can help you improve your block starts?

    Find out using the link above.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to sprint start with blocks?

    To sprint start with blocks, you need to position yourself correctly in the blocks.

    Place your dominant foot in the front block and your other foot in the rear block.

    Lean forward with your hands placed just behind the starting line.

    When the gun goes off, push off explosively with both feet while driving your arms forward.

    This will help you achieve a powerful and efficient start.

    What exercises help block starts?

    Several exercises can help improve your block starts.

    Wall drills, partner-resisted starts, and walk-in starts are particularly effective.

    These exercises focus on enhancing your explosiveness, technique, and body positioning.

    Consistent practice of these drills can significantly improve your block start performance.

    How to get faster block starts?

    To get faster block starts, focus on improving your explosive power and technique.

    Incorporate drills like wall drills, partner resisted starts, and block start repetitions into your training regimen.

    Pay attention to your body positioning and ensure you are pushing off with maximum force.

    Regular practice and fine-tuning your technique will help you achieve faster block starts.

    How to improve sprint starts?

    Improving sprint starts involves a combination of strength training, technique refinement, and consistent practice.

    Focus on exercises that enhance your explosive power, such as wall drills and partner-resisted starts.

    Work on your body positioning and ensure you are pushing off with maximum force.

    Regularly practicing your starts and seeking feedback from your coach can also help you make necessary adjustments and improvements.

    Ryan Snell

    Co-founder of Unstoppabl, and industry-renowned certified coach with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science leverages over five years of experience to deliver complete well-being solutions, encompassing exercise programming, sleep, menopause, menstrual cycle management, injury rehab, mindset coaching, and nutritional guidance.

    With an impressive record of fostering physical and mental transformations in hundreds of clients during his tenure at Unstoppabl, and a sought-after public speaker on these subjects, his insights have been featured on numerous platforms, attesting to his profound expertise.


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