Country Farms Super Greens Review

Country Farms Super Greens Review

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    Are you on a quest to improve your overall health and well-being with a super greens supplement?

    With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect fit that suits your needs.

    Enter Country Farms Super Greens, a popular choice that has gained traction in recent years.

    But is it worth the hype?

    In this comprehensive Country Farms Super Greens review, we’ll delve into the origins of Country Farms Super Greens.

    Country Farms Super Greens
    • Over 50 organic superfoods, probiotics, mushrooms, and fiber all work together to provide you with a light, happy gut
    • America’s #1 superfood drink to start your morning or as a healthy snack anytime
    • Organic

    Key Takeaways

    • Country Farms Super Greens is a popular supplement containing 50 undisclosed ingredients

    • It contains organic greens, prebiotic and probiotic elements, as well as mushrooms for added nutrition

    • You should weigh the experiences of many against personal preferences to evaluate their effectiveness and overall value before purchasing


    Country Farms Super Greens boasts an impressive blend of 50 distinct natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, known to bolster energy levels, support the immune system, and facilitate digestion.

    However, the ingredient amounts remain undisclosed due to a proprietary blend, leaving potential users in the dark about the exact quantity of each component being consumed.

    Next, we’ll delve into the various components of this supplement for a more detailed view.

    The Organic Greens Component

    The organic greens component in Country Farms Super Greens includes:

    • Organic wheatgrass

    • Blue green algae

    • Organic barley grass

    • Organic alfalfa leaf

    These ingredients offer a multitude of health advantages, including enhanced digestion, augmented energy, and bolstered immunity – all the good stuff your body needs.

    Integrating these organic greens into your diet can help fill nutritional gaps and provide vital nutrients that may be lacking in your daily food intake.

    With its diverse range of greens ingredients, Country Farms Super Greens aims to be a convenient and beneficial addition to your daily routine.

    Fruit and Vegetable Fusion

    In addition to the organic greens, Country Farms Super Greens features a Fruit and Vegetable Fusion mix, a blend of organic fruits and vegetables including:

    • Beet

    • Raspberry

    • Cranberry

    • Flax

    This fusion mix is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can promote a healthy digestive system and help reduce inflammation.

    The inclusion of this Fruit and Vegetable Fusion mix offers several benefits:

    • Adds a variety of nutrients to the supplement

    • Enhances the overall appeal of the drink mix

    • Provides a convenient way to obtain a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in one product

    • Makes it a valuable addition to your daily regimen

    Prebiotic, Fiber, and Probiotic Elements

    Country Farms Super Greens contains the following prebiotic and fiber elements:

    • Green Pea Fiber

    • Acacia fibergum

    • Blue Agave Inulin

    • Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin

    • Apple Pectin

    These ingredients aim to support a healthy gut and aid in digestion.

    Additionally, the supplement features a probiotic blend called Lactospore, which includes LactoSpore® Bacillus Coagulans and Bacillus Subtilis with a concentration of 100 million CFUs.

    However, it’s important to note that the combination of prebiotic, fiber, and probiotic elements may lead to potential issues such as digestive discomfort, bloating, and gas. (1)

    Before incorporating Country Farms Super Greens into your daily routine, consider these potential side effects.


    The supplement also includes an organic mushroom blend, featuring various types of mushrooms such as:

    • Maitake

    • Himematsutake

    • Cordyceps sinensis

    • Shiitake

    Mushrooms are known to be a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can help bolster the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. (2)

    Before consuming mushrooms, which can potentially induce allergic reactions in some individuals, it’s advisable to consult a doctor.

    Furthermore, certain mushroom varieties can be toxic if ingested in excessive amounts.

    As with any supplement, it’s always best to seek professional advice before introducing new ingredients into your diet.


    Country Farms Super Greens is available in four flavors, catering to a variety of taste preferences. However, taste is subjective, and some customers have described the unflavored version as “like a turtle tank”.

    As a result, the inclination for many customers is towards the flavored options, which can offer a more palatable experience.

    For long-term commitment, a super greens supplement that tastes good and is easy to incorporate into your daily routine is vital.

    It’s worth sampling the different flavors of Country Farms Super Greens to find the one that suits your taste buds best.

    Potential Side Effects

    While there are no expected side effects from taking Country Farms Super Greens, concerns do exist regarding the undisclosed ingredient amounts.

    The lack of transparency in ingredient quantities raises questions about the overall effectiveness and safety of the supplement.

    Consider these concerns when evaluating Country Farms Super Greens, as knowing what you’re putting into your body when taking a supplement is crucial.

    Being aware of the potential issues can help you make an informed decision about whether this product is right for you.

    The Effectiveness of Country Farms Super Greens

    The effectiveness of Country Farms Super Greens may vary depending on your diet. For those with poor diets, the supplement could be beneficial in providing essential nutrients that may be lacking in their daily food intake.

    However, for individuals with well-balanced diets, the product may not be as effective, as they are already obtaining the necessary nutrients from their food.

    To determine whether this supplement would be a valuable addition to your routine, consider your specific dietary needs and lifestyle when evaluating the effectiveness of Country Farms Super Greens.

    Customer Feedback: Country Farms Super Greens Reviews

    Country Farms Super Greens has an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars on Amazon, with 78% of customers giving it 4 or 5 stars. This indicates that the product is generally well-received by customers.

    Reviews, however, are mixed. Some praise the product for its taste and effectiveness, while others criticize its flavor and question its nutritional value.

    Taking into account both positive and negative customer feedback can give you a more comprehensive understanding of the product, including any potential big downside, through a balanced review.

    If you’re considering this product, consider weighing the experiences of many customers who seem to love Country Farms Super Greens against your personal preferences and dietary needs.

    Money-Back Guarantee and Return Policy

    When it comes to the money-back guarantee and return policy for Country Farms Super Greens, no clear information was found on the official site or Amazon. This lack of transparency could be due to the distribution of the product through third-party retailers.

    When purchasing Country Farms Super Greens, be aware of this potential issue. If a money-back guarantee or return policy is crucial for you, consider reaching out to the retailer or the manufacturer directly to confirm their policies before making a purchase.


    One tub of Country Farms Super Greens contains 20 servings, which is insufficient for a full month’s supply. With a price range of $16-$20 per tub, you would need multiple tubs for a month’s supply, costing $32-$40 per month.

    Although Country Farms Super Greens may be a popular product, considering the overall cost is important when evaluating its worth. Depending on your budget and dietary needs, you may find that the cost of multiple tubs per month is worth the investment.

    On the other hand, you might decide to explore other options that offer more servings per tub or a lower monthly cost.


    Country Farms Super Greens
    • Over 50 organic superfoods, probiotics, mushrooms, and fiber all work together to provide you with a light, happy gut
    • America’s #1 superfood drink to start your morning or as a healthy snack anytime
    • Organic

    Throughout this comprehensive review, we’ve explored the origins, ingredients, taste, effectiveness, and customer feedback of Country Farms Super Greens.

    While the product has its merits, such as its variety of organic ingredients and multiple flavor options, concerns regarding ingredient transparency and cost may cause potential users to think twice before making a purchase.

    Ultimately, the decision to invest in Country Farms Super Greens comes down to your personal preferences, dietary needs, and budget.

    By considering all aspects of the product, you can make an informed choice that best aligns with your health and wellness goals.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Country Farms a reputable company?

    Country Farms is manufactured in cGMP-certified USA facilities, indicating that it is a reputable company.

    Do super greens really work?

    Though greens powders contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, their efficacy in replacing whole fruits and vegetables is limited. Additionally, the results of studies regarding these products are inconclusive.

    For those struggling to consume enough nutritious food, greens powders may provide some benefits but it's not a substitute for a well-balanced diet.

    Is Country Farms Super Greens third party tested?

    Country Farms Super Greens is third-party tested to ensure the dietary ingredients listed are accurate.

    Is Super Greens alkalizing formula good for you?

    Super Greens alkalizing formula contains a powerhouse blend of fruits, vegetables, probiotics, greens and reds that promote health and vitality.

    It also helps to support proper digestion, boost energy levels and immune health, while providing the body with powerful antioxidants and prebiotic and fiber blend.

    Thus, it can be concluded that Super Greens alkalizing formula is good for you.

    What are the main ingredients in Country Farms Super Greens?

    Country Farms Super Greens is a blend of 50 organic ingredients, such as wheatgrass, blue green algae, barley grass, alfalfa leaf, Fruit and Vegetable Fusion mix and organic mushroom blend.


    1. Markowiak, P., & Śliżewska, K. (2017). Effects of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics on Human Health. Nutrients, 9(9), 1021.

    2. Bell, V., Silva, C. R. P. G., Guina, J., & Fernandes, T. H. (2022). Mushrooms as future generation healthy foods. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 1050099.

    Ryan Snell

    Co-founder of Unstoppabl, and industry-renowned certified coach with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science leverages over five years of experience to deliver complete well-being solutions, encompassing exercise programming, sleep, menopause, menstrual cycle management, injury rehab, mindset coaching, and nutritional guidance.

    With an impressive record of fostering physical and mental transformations in hundreds of clients during his tenure at Unstoppabl, and a sought-after public speaker on these subjects, his insights have been featured on numerous platforms, attesting to his profound expertise.


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